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A New Dawn of Sexual Rejuvenation in Savannah, GA

At Upstream Medical Care and Aesthetics in Savannah, GA, we offer cutting-edge sexual rejuvenation services to enhance your sexual health and quality of life. Our customized treatments address specific sexual health issues in both men and women, using advanced techniques for exceptional results. Recognizing that sexual well-being is crucial to overall health, our experienced team develops personalized treatment plans for each patient. Whether dealing with hormonal imbalances, erectile dysfunction, loss of libido, or other concerns, we help you regain confidence and improve intimate relationships. Our state-of-the-art facility provides a comfortable, private environment for the highest standard of care.

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Understanding Sexual Rejuvenation

Sexual rejuvenation is a broad spectrum of treatments aimed at revitalizing your sexual health and improving your sexual experiences. The process involves a series of non-invasive procedures that target the underlying causes of sexual dysfunction, such as hormonal imbalance, stress, and age-related issues. By addressing these issues, sexual rejuvenation helps restore your sexual vitality, boost your libido, and improve your overall sexual performance.

Our Sexual Rejuvenation Services

At Upstream Medical Care and Aesthetics, we specialize in many sexual rejuvenation treatments. These include:

PRP for Sexual Health

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a revolutionary treatment that uses your blood's healing properties to enhance sexual health. The PRP serum is injected into the penis for men and into the clitoris and upper vagina for women. In men, the PRP works by stimulating tissue regrowth and encouraging blood flow in the penis, improving erectile quality and sexual performance. Women, on the other hand, benefit from the PRP's ability to trigger natural collagen and elastin production, restoring vaginal health and enhancing sexual intimacy.

Female Sexual Health Treatments

Our leading-edge Alma Duo® technology employs gentle sound waves passed over the intimate area to stimulate the formation of new blood vessels. This innovative treatment boosts sexual desire and enhances sexual intimacy by promoting increased blood flow and stimulating the body's natural healing processes.
*O-Shot Is Specific for Females

Erectile Dysfunction Treatments

We offer penile shockwave therapy. A highly effective treatment boosting a man's sexual health. Penile shockwave therapy emits gentle energy to intensify the flow of blood to the penis, significantly improving erectile function and sexual performance.
*P-Shot Is Specific for Males

Take Your First Step Towards Sexual Rejuvenation

Revitalize your sexual health and rediscover the joy of intimacy with our top-of-the-line sexual rejuvenation treatments. Our team of sexual health experts in Savannah, GA is ready to guide you on this transformative journey, providing personalized care and support every step of the way. Don’t let sexual health issues diminish your quality of life. Reach out to us today to learn more about our sexual rejuvenation treatments, and schedule your consultation to take the first step towards an enriched sexual life.

Creating Beauty and Optimal Health Through Science